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Spring Greens Salad w/ Lemon Poppy Seed Dressing

Common Salad Green Chart We've had some very hot weather the past week or so...I'm talking 80+F! It seems like we skipped right over Spring and went two feet into Summer.  While I'm not complaining, it has been very nice and sunny, I wasn't quite expecting this so soon. Luckily our garden is over-joyed about the weather blossoming, sprouting and blooming.  This has lead to an abundance of leafy greens, perfect for light Spring/Summer Salads on these hot days. Since we are growing our vegetables for Summer, I like to grow a wide variety of leafy greens so as not to get bored. For this Spring Salad I used a mix of lettuce, spinach, chard, and sprouts, then topped it with a tart honey lemon poppy seed dressing. This dish is a perfectly simple appetizer or side dish; the dressing complements the individual flavors of the greens without over powering them, while the carrot adds a hint of sweetness, and the hemps seeds an extra bit of crunch and a whopping

Chai Spiced Chia Pudding

So the new school year has begun! The weather is getting a little cooler in the mornings, but it's still toasty during daylight hours. That means during these mornings I want something cool enough to remain summery, and spiced enough to be a harbinger of autumn.
This Chai Spiced Chia Pudding is great for those mornings. Warm, home ground spices mixed with cool Almond Milk Chia Seed Pudding, sweetened with delicately flavored Coconut Flower Sugar...a perfect mix of seasons.

Here is my recipe:

Chai Spice Chia Pudding

Chai Spice Chia Pudding

Emily (Cooking for Kishore)


  • 1/4 Cup Chia Seeds
  • 1 Cup Almond Milk (Unsweetened)
  • 1 Tbsp Coconut Flower Sugar
  • 1 Tbsp Chai Spice Powder


  1. Mix seeds, milk, sugar, and spices together in a glass jar. Place in refrigerator overnight.
  2. Remove it from the fridge, and make sure your pudding looks thick and the chia seeds have gelled. Top with fresh fruit and nuts, and enjoy immediately.
Yield: 4 Servings
Prep Time: 08 hrs. 00 mins.
Total time: 8 hrs. 0 mins.
Tags: almond milk chia seed pudding, breakfast, chai spiced chia seed pudding, chia seed pudding, chia seed recipe, coconut flower sugar recipe, snack,



  1. Chai seeds are very good for health especially during the summer season as they keep your body temperature cool. Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe.

  2. Chia seeds are my favourite during summers. They keep your body cool and refreshed. These can be added to various fresh juices and drinks and can be enjoyed.


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