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Spring Greens Salad w/ Lemon Poppy Seed Dressing

Common Salad Green Chart We've had some very hot weather the past week or so...I'm talking 80+F! It seems like we skipped right over Spring and went two feet into Summer.  While I'm not complaining, it has been very nice and sunny, I wasn't quite expecting this so soon. Luckily our garden is over-joyed about the weather blossoming, sprouting and blooming.  This has lead to an abundance of leafy greens, perfect for light Spring/Summer Salads on these hot days. Since we are growing our vegetables for Summer, I like to grow a wide variety of leafy greens so as not to get bored. For this Spring Salad I used a mix of lettuce, spinach, chard, and sprouts, then topped it with a tart honey lemon poppy seed dressing. This dish is a perfectly simple appetizer or side dish; the dressing complements the individual flavors of the greens without over powering them, while the carrot adds a hint of sweetness, and the hemps seeds an extra bit of crunch and a whopping

Crispy Plantain Chips

Wintery weather is making me dream of warmer places to be. So I thought it would be a good idea to post a healthy warmer weather snack recipe for afternoon snacking. This snack reminds me of our road trip through Kerala that wouldn't have been complete without a big bag of street vendor made Plantain chips. That, however, was not my first introduction to plantain chips...When I was growing up, every once in a while as a treat, mom would get me and my siblings a bag of Goya plantain chips. They were so crispy and crunchy with just the right amount of salt and sometimes garlic, yum! I remember the first time our friend Sumintra gave us some of her homemade chips with mango salsa, delicious! It has become a tradition since to ask for her chips at get togethers, but there just never seems to be enough haha! While making your own is relatively easy, the challenge is not polishing them off before you finish cooking them all! Now that being said, be prepared to make more pretty soon after the first batch! This is a great anytime, anywhere healthy snack.

Here is my recipe:
Crispy Plantain Chips

Crispy Plantain Chips

Emily (Cooking for Kishore)


  • 2 Large Green Plantains
  • Vegetable Oil
  • Salt
  • Garlic Powder
  • Onion Powder
  • Chili Powder


  1. Slice the plantains using a mandolin or food processor. Heat up the oil to medium heat.
  2. 2. Once oil is heated place slices individually into oil. Cook until golden brown. Drain on a rack, salt and season while still hot.
Yield: 4 Servings
Prep Time: 10 mins.
Cook time: 10 mins.
Total time: 20 mins.
Tags: crispy plantain chips, green banana chips, plantain chips, plantain snacks, south indian plantain chips, south indian snacks, spanish plantain chips, spanish snacks,




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